FIUWAC 122-2000l Alfons Alt and Waldo Bien 122-2000: Alfons Alt/ Waldo Bien: ‘ Bavarian Rococo Devil’, collage on Résino pigmentype on paper on Canvas, 61x46cm, 2000 Note: Alfons delivered the work in Amsterdam, laying it on the studio floor. Bien saw it up side down and saw a Rococo Devil, added paper scraps from an envelope to indicate where. On invitation of Alfons the paper scraps were glued onto the work so it could function both ways, as Bavarian Rococo Church interior or as Rococo Devil; the birth of a collaborative work. Hanging in Triodos Zeist, in the computer server room, it’s turned up side down at their visits and the reading and context is constantly changed. WB
FIUWAC Side Illustration 122-2000 FIUWAC Side Illustration 122-2000
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